Theoria offers this process of improving and increasing the capabilities of early childhood education personnel through access to education and training opportunities. This continuum of learning and support provided activities are designed to expand and prepare individuals for work with and on behalf of young children and their families, as well as ongoing experiences to enhance this work. These opportunities lead to improvements in the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions of early childhood professionals.
In this training participants review Chapter 1 Articles: 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Students will briefly cover nuggets of information from Articles 1 and 3 that pertain to administration and personnel of child care centers. In addition to covering these articles upon request a review of Subchapter 2 for Infant Centers can be reviewed as well. A resource binder is included in the class that has a current copy of Community Care Licensing Title 22 Rules and Regulations for each participant along with supporting documents including but not limited to: Reporting Requirements; Records Requirements; Sample Incidental Medical Service Plan; Sample Health and Safety Checklists; Sample Daily Schedule and Routine; Documentation Posting Checklist; Most Common Deficiencies 2016; Isolation Area Sign; Out of Reach Sign; Hand washing Sign; No Smoking Sign; CCL most recent quarterly update.
Chapter 1 Child Care Centers:
Article 1 General Requirement and Definitions
Article 2 Licensing
Article 3 Application Procedures
Article 4 Enforcement Procedures
Article 5 Administrative Actions
Article 6 Continuing Requirements
Article 7 Physical Environments
SubChapter 2 Infant Center:
Article 6:
Infant Care Center Director Qualifications and Duties
Assistant Infant Care Center Director Qualifications and Duties
Infant Care Teacher Qualifications and Duties
Infant Care Aide Qualifications and Duties
Staff-Infant Ratio
Staffing for Infant Water Activities
Toddler Component in an Infant Care Center
Infant Needs and Services Plan
Modifications to Infant Needs and Services Plan
Infant Care Discipline
Infant Care Transportation
Infant Care Isolation for Illness
Infant Care Food Service
Infant Care Personal Services
Responsibility for Providing Care and Supervision for Infants
Infant Care Activities
Article 7:
Infant Care General Sanitation
Outdoor Activity Space for Infants
Indoor Activity Space for Infants
Infant Care Center Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies
Infant Care Center Napping Equipment
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
We often hear in the industry that, “the first five years are the most important years to human development”, but do we really know why? Can we answer this question with scientific and theoretical evidence? Are Early Childhood Programs and their teachers the real shapers of the future? This training inspires us to look at our jobs as professionals as world leaders, innovators, and leaders that motivates staff to have pride in their work. This competency area addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that early childhood educators are expected to have regarding the development and learning of young children—and which in many ways provide the foundation for sensitive, responsive care-giving and high quality early childhood practice. This competency area encompasses an understanding of major developmental theories and current research, as well as the ability to apply that knowledge to practice; the implications of early experiences and brain development; the role of early childhood educators and family members in supporting young children’s development and learning; and the biological, individual, family, community, and cultural factors that can influence young children’s development.
Leadership has been described as the intersection of knowledge, skills, character attributes, and personality traits that motivate others to work toward a common goal; it is demonstrated by early childhood educators in every role within the profession. In addition to possessing expertise in specific areas – such as understanding how children develop and learn, working with families, or supervising staff – early childhood education leaders need to understand the early childhood systems itself and how policy shapes the quality of services available to children and families. A starting point for providing leadership is to evaluate one’s current understanding of the early care and education system, reflect regularly to assess changes in one’s knowledge, and determine how that understanding and knowledge can continue to develop (Whitebook and Austin, 2009)
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
The training was designed with the understanding that early childhood educators will comply with the relevant sections of the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, that impact Community Care Licensing in California. A key concept in this training is that children’s health encompasses overall fitness and well-being; it is not simply the absence of illness or injury. Equally important is the acknowledgment that children’s health is related to family functioning as well as the socio-cultural context and physical environment in which children live. The emphasis, therefore, is on a relationship-based approach to supporting child and family wellbeing rather than on policies and regulations. This training includes topics related to promotion and prevention, such as following sound health and safety practices, providing nutritious meals and snacks, and offering several periods of outdoor play each day. It also includes interventions, such as emergency response and administration of medication.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
In this training we cover the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and an overall vision that allow early childhood educators to work effectively with children, families, colleagues, and communities and to provide high-quality early care and education services. This training is intended to describe in greater detail ethical standards and professional guidelines, professional development and reflective practice, advocacy, and collaborative partnerships.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Two critical components of high-quality early care and education are effective administrative practices and continuous program improvement, both of which allow early childhood professionals to better serve young children and their families and to meet short and long-term program goals. This training covers the knowledge and skills that early childhood educators are expected to have in operations and program development, fiscal management, human resources, and other aspects of administration.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
The core of this training is framed around two major strands in the early childhood classroom management. The first concerns the classroom itself, i.e., the procedures (techniques, methods, skills, and cognitions) for achieving, sustaining, and restoring orderliness in classroom environments. Attention, in other words, is directed to ways of orchestrating settings and action systems to capture children's attention, engagement, and focus so that the daily activities and curriculum can go on. The second, focuses on young children's moral and pro-social development and the teaching of self management, responsibility, and resilience in contexts related to their conduct in learning environments.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Children learn best when they are in safe, well-supervised environments. Training staff can reduce the possibility of a child getting hurt when they closely observe children and respond when needed. When programs think systematically about child supervision they create safe, positive learning environments for all children. In this training we work on: developing a systems approach for child supervision, providing staff development and resources to ensure program-wide implementation, and use of redundant strategies to ensure no child is left unattended.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Early Childhood Center Directors/Administrators and Teachers who learn to think from a multicultural perspective are better able to provide opportunities that reflect each child’s culture and family experiences. Learning environments are enriched when children’s individual characteristics, values, cultures, and temperaments—as well as diversity among children, families, and peers—are respected and valued in concrete ways. Why is this reflection important to the child’s development? And how do we begin to implement culture and diversity in our program? You will find out in this training.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Have you heard the term, “Emotional Intelligence?” Developmental and educational research has suggested that efforts to promote children’s school readiness should focus on supporting their social–emotional development as well as their cognitive development. In this workshop we focus on developing an understanding of the social–emotional factors that may impact children’s behavior; developmentally appropriate expectations for children’s behavior and the ability to apply that knowledge in developing strategies for guidance and attention to the importance of fostering relationships at all levels. This training is based on reciprocal relationships between and among the adults in a child’s life and on the importance of collaborating for the best interests of the child.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
This training encompasses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to respond appropriately to all aspects of family diversity—such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, culture, family composition, religion, age, ability, and home language. We include the ability to garner community support on behalf of children and families, whether at the local-program level or in the broader public realm.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Observation, screening, and assessment include processes for gathering, interpreting, applying, and sharing information in a manner that recognizes children’s strengths and builds upon their previous experiences. They are important tools for understanding children individually and in groups, and for the purposes of planning environments, curriculum, and other learning experiences. This training addresses the knowledge and skills that early childhood educators need in order to conduct responsible, ethical, and effective observation, screening, and assessment of young children and the identification of special needs. It includes an understanding of the goals, uses, benefits, and limitations of various assessment approaches. Also included are the importance of, and strategies for, working with families when using observation, screening, and assessment; principles of developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically sensitive, and individually meaningful observation, screening, and assessment; the relationship between observation, screening, assessment, and decision making and planning; program evaluation; confidentiality and privacy; and the role of early childhood educators or other professionals in these processes.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Is your seeking to promote the importance of creating inclusive early care and education settings on your schools current or future plans? This training addresses the knowledge and skills that early childhood educators are expected to have to foster the learning and development of young children with disabilities or other special needs. It includes policies and requirements for inclusive practice, program philosophies that promote full participation by all children, collaboration with families and other service providers, and personalization of practices to meet children’s individual and family needs.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
This training addresses the design and implementation of environments, interactions, and experiences; the use of developmentally appropriate equipment and materials; the goals, benefits, and limitations of various curriculum models; the importance of having a curriculum planning process that responds to the strengths, interests, and challenges of the children in the group; the role of early childhood professionals in preparing young children for school; and the relationship between developmental theory and research and practice.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Ratios are a large part of quality and compliance for early childhood programs. In this training we are going to cover ratios, how to maximize our ratios, strategies to improve our overall ratios, and managing challenges and transitions in regard to ratios.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
This training will provide participants with concrete strategies that address challenging behavior across roles and in a range of settings. Participants will learn the reasons children engage in challenging behavior and identify strategies to employ to address these behaviors effectively. In addition, presenters will cover policies and practices on preventing suspension and expulsion and provide helpful resources.
Certificate of Completion for Professional Development Units (1 PDU per hour):
Emerging evidence suggests that the impact of stress on health and relationships can be reduced by practicing mindfulness -- the practice of focusing one’s attention in the present moment. In this training, the participants will 1) reflect on how stress associated with working with children and families impacts their own health and relationships, 2) learn about the benefits of mindfulness for well-being and positive relationships, 3) learn and participate in practices that support the development of mindfulness, 4) make a personal and professional plan for integrating mindfulness into daily life and professional activities, and 5) teach mindfulness to students.
Theoria offers a variety of learning opportunities designed for early childhood professionals.
Delivery Method Enrollment Category
· On-line
· Open Enrollment
· On-site
· Group Training (10 or more)
· Off-site
· Customized Training
For assistance, please contact the Operations Department at operations@theoriatechnical.com
Theoria’s professional development team offers contextualize and customization of Theoria’s domestic work for international audiences. Professional development programs addressing developmentally appropriate practice, program administration, and other topics are provided via face-to-face training, on-line virtual learning classrooms, and blended learning programs. For more information about how Theoria’s international department can support your professional development efforts, please contact info@theoriatechnical.com
Theoria Technical College Consulting Division
Theoria’s Consulting division provides support and guidance for your child care program to improve its efficiency and profitability by the resources, tools, and business services, that owners and program directors need to maintain progression in the field of early childhood development!
Let the knowledge and experience of our expert faculty serve as a source for you and your program goals. Below is a partial list of consulting topics our faculty could provide you with:
Development and Implementation of Programs Policies and Procedures
Hands-on, on-site training for New Directors
Team Building, Professionalism, and Personnel Relations
HR, Employment, and Labor Law
New Center Operations and / or Application Assistance
Observation and Assessment, Implementation and Facilitation
Grant Writing
Curriculum Development and Implementation
Application Assistance for the Food Program (CACFP)
Advertising and Marketing
Quality Assurance Visits and Monthly Monitoring
Legal Assistance (provided by a partner law firm)
Please complete the consulting questionnaire